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Interview my mother about what it was like to live her family beside and come to a new country, to work and provide for them.

I don't really know what kind of videos I want to create but we did talk about me interviewing some of the Jamaicans that lives around here and give people a better view for my people and culture. 

Another idea I had was a day in the life of me. I don't really do much in school but out side of school I like to go around town and chill with my friends and find, little interesting place to take pictures and have fun.  




Just Melvin, Just evil 

The documentary I watched is called ”Just Melvin, Just Evil. I really enjoyed watching this documentary the ending, on the other hand, was a little disappointing. I felt that Melvin should have died in jail for what he did but I guess this is just another example for our failing Justice System. The creator of this film was the grandson of Melvin. And he wanted people to know about what his grandfather did to his mother, he wanted to expose the truth. The film was make fairly while, the sound was clear and the sound effect was pretty good.  


Melvin was a sexual predator, a child molester he went to jail for 8 years and then was let out. He also killed and rape a nurse that came in and catches him in bed with one of his stepdaughters. The nurse told him she was going to report him to the cop, Melvin got mad and started to fight with the nurse. Melvin put his hand around, her neck and strangle her and while he was strangling her, he then proceeded to rape her. He did all this in front for one of his step daughter. While the rest of them hind in there room. Little girls from age 2 and up once they get to a certain age he would stop and move on the next family with little girls. 

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